Monday, December 8, 2008

Wealth Creation Begins With Mindset By Angeline Ng Mei Lin

Have you ever wonder why some people use to have it all? Most us will just shrug it off, thinking it's just a stroke of luck coupled with a touch of envy.

Majority of the population are being conditioned by the notion that if we succeed in college our future will be promised with job securities hence a secured future. The question that hits us all when we reach our mid life is, why are we still in the bottomless pit? The never ending funnels that sucked us into black hole of debts. We start questioning our purpose in life and the whole process starts all over again.

That brings me to the observation I have made. The rich or the elite society, why they deserved to be abundant. The most important characteristic from this privileged group is their believe that they deserved to be happy and rich. Happiness are our birthrights and money is attracted to happiness. That leads us to The Law Of Attraction.

All of us are an ultimate magnet within and if utilise correctly, we can attract wealth in forms of knowledge, monetary matter and mental health. Unless we take responsibility for our action for the state we are in now, we will continue to fall into this pit hole. Justification and blaming the whole world is a guarantee for our journey to our doom.

By embracing change of mindset, it is not going to change our life immediately, we need to take action for our new objective. Facing it grudgingly with a burning desire, drive and act with commitment to upgrade our state of mental happiness and financial position.

Then we can begin to ponder our purpose in life to achieve financial freedom so we can serve our loved ones and community in general. For further information. Visit us at : How To Generate Money

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