Sunday, April 19, 2009

How to Generate Money - Working As a Pack By Angeline Ng Mei Lin

Working in a pack like wolves attacking it's prey. This works well in the most hostile environment. They achieved the higher probability of success in view of the strategy deployed. Wolves attack their prey from all angles leaving marginal space for their prey to escape in the shortest possible time.

How to generate money by working in a group?

Anyone who has worked in a group will be able to understand the difficulties of working together. For a team to be able to achieved the desired result, the group need to have the clarity of purpose.

Many teams or partnership fails because of the failure to understand the objective of why the group was formed in the first place. The mission and vision was not shared among team members and every individual pursuing their own agenda.

Why working as a team stands a higher chance of survival? In the current economic environment, the right team will be able to withstand any setback. Each individual will be able to provide foresight to achieved a task in the shortest time. Task allocation among the team member will accelerate the work processes. Every team members are expert in their field contribute to the project.

One can achieved success but it takes a longer time through trial and error. However an effective group not only grow exponentially, it also moves to a higher ground whereby every individual already know what are their roles. Wealth building is achieved through a process of integration of all the resources provided by the universe. Interdependent among the team members is the most integral part of wealth building.

An effective leader will sail the team into success while an ineffective leader will only be an anchor that pulls it to their doom. An effective leader inspire and motivates the group to achieve their goal. While working in a group, the following traits should be observed; the house rule must be implemented to curb any free rider in the team. Free riders are like leeches in any working groups and they do not contribute to the team. They do not realize that their vision of being rich is only a mirage because all their lives are set to acquiring an additional advantage at the expense of others leaving minimal room for intellectual expansion which is the most important aspect of wealth building.

Working in a group requires perseverance, patience, task oriented personality, taking responsibility and ability to accept all ideas. It is due to convergence of many ideas and experiences that is a major contributing factors to success. Most achieved financial freedom through interdependent, while others it just remains a mirage.

For further information, visit us at:

How To Generate Money

Article Source:

Angeline Ng Mei Lin - EzineArticles Expert Author

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